How to Manage Overtime in Needs My Approval

Article author
Learning Center Mekari
  • Updated

If you are on the approval line for Overtime submissions and Overtime planning , you can see a list of Overtime applications on Talenta Mobile. In addition, you can also immediately take action on the submission.

Here are the steps:

  1. Select the Inbox Menu.
  2. On the Needs My Approval tab, select Overtime.

    Meaning of leave application status:
    - Awaiting approval:  Request has not been approved.
    - Approved: Request has been fully approved.
    - Rejected: Request has been rejected.

I. Overtime Request

  1. You will be directed to the Overtime request page. There are several features or filters that you can use as follows.

    No. Button/Column Name Function
    1 Select request Click to check multiple requests to be able to perform mass approve/reject actions.
    2 Filter Click to filter requests.
    3 Search bar Enter certain keywords to search for the request.
  2. On the Overtime request tab, click on one of the employee names.
  3. Then, you will see the details of the Overtime request, such as Employee Name, other important information about the Overtime request. An example of the information listed in the Overtime request details is as shown in the image below.

    - The date and duration of overtime requested by the employee can be seen in the Requested Overtime column
    - The reason for requesting overtime can be seen in the Reason column
    - The type of overtime compensation requested can be seen in the Compensation column
    - Employee attendance data (check in and checkout) can be seen in the Attendance Data column
    - The type of shift and working hours can be seen in the Shift column
    - Supporting documents uploaded by the employee (if any), can be seen in the Attachment column

  4. In Overtime Request, you can change the overtime duration Before schedule in, After schedule out, and each break duration that you want to approve in the Needs approval section as shown in the following image.

    In addition, if employees request overtime during a day off, you can still change the duration of overtime that you want to approve in this section.

  5. Enter your comments in the Note column if necessary, and click "Approve" to agree or click "Reject" to reject the application.


II. Overtime Planning

  1. There are several features or filters that you can use as follows.
No. Button/Column Name Function
1 Select request Click to check multiple requests to be able to perform mass approve/reject actions.
2 Filter Click to filter requests.
3 Search bar Enter certain keywords to search for the request.
  1. On the Overtime Plan tab, click on one of the employee names.
  2. Then, you will see the details of the Overtime application, such as Employee Name, other important information about the Overtime plan. An example of the information listed in the Overtime plan details is as shown in the image below.

    - The planned overtime date and duration can be seen in the Planned Overtime column
    - The assigned employee can be seen in the Assigned Employee column
    - The submission transaction ID can be seen in the Overtime ID column
    - The type of shift and working hours can be seen in the Shift column
    - The reason for submitting overtime can be seen in the Reason column

  3. In the Overtime Plan, you can change the duration of overtime Before schedule in and After schedule out that you want to approve in the Needs approval section as follows.

  1. Enter your comments in the Note column if necessary, and click "Approve" to agree or click "Reject" to reject the application.

This is a guide on how to manage overtime in Needs My Approval.Next, to learn how to change shifts in Needs My Approval, you can click here.