How to View Announcements on Talenta Mobile ESS

Article author
Learning Center Mekari
  • Updated

On the Home page of the Talenta Mobile application that you have downloaded, you can see the entire list of announcements from the company by clicking "View all".

  1. Then, you will be directed to the following page where you can use the Search bar feature to search for certain  announcements .
  2. Type in the keywords you want to search for here.
  3. Or, use the Announcement Category Filter feature by clicking this icon.
  4. After that, in the pop-up that appears, select the category you filter. Then, click "Apply" to filter or Reset all  to reset the filter category settings.
  5. The details of the announcement you have selected will look like this.

- You can see the date the announcement was issued, the description of the announcement, and the attachments provided.
- Click the ”Down Arrow” icon to download the attached file.

This is a guide on how to view Announcements on Talenta Mobile ESS. To find out in full about the Talenta Mobile application, click here.