Cash Advance is a feature that allows employees to submit requests for funds to the company in advance so that they can be used for company needs. In this section, you will learn how to apply for a cash advance to employees.
Here are the steps.
- Click the "Employees" menu, then select the employee name.
- Then, click the Finance tab, and select Cash Advance.
- Click "Create request" to make an Advance submission.
- Select the employee to be submitted for Cash Advance.
- Select the type of cash advance policy proposed in the Policy name column.
- Fill in the information in the Purpose column.
- Select the submission date in the Date of use column.
- Fill in the name, description, and category of the cash advance along with the amount proposed.
- Click “Add row” to add details to the submission.
Columns name, category, and amount must be filled in.
- You can also add additional notes in the Notes column.
- Or add some attachments to the Attachment column.
- Then click "Submit" to submit.
- Then you will wait for approval by the approver. Approval notification will appear in Talenta's inbox and email.
Status Pending (waiting for approval), Approved (has been approved), Rejected (has been rejected).
This is an explanation of how to manage employee cash advances. Also learn how to manage employee reimbursement, here.