How to Manage Email Settings on Talenta Recruitment

Article author
Learning Center Mekari
  • Updated

In this section, you will learn how to manage emails related to company recruitment activities. By default, Talenta Recruitment will send notifications via email if there are new applicants and send notifications to the applicant's email if the applicant does not pass to the next stage, but you can still make changes to the email settings.

Here are the steps:

  1. Select the Dashboard menu, then click Recruitment.
  2. After that, click the Settings menu and select Email Settings.
  3. Select the frequency when sending emails to applicants on the following button.

    - Applicant applied email notification: Set the frequency of time the notification email is sent to the applicant. You can select Real Time, Daily, Weekly, and Monthly.
    - Applicant rejection email: Set the frequency when sending applicant rejection emails. You can select Real Time, Daily, Weekly, and Monthly.


This is a guide on how to manage email settings on Talenta Recruitment. Furthermore, you can learn about another application on Talenta, namely Talenta Insights here.