How to Add Access Role to Talenta Recruitment

Article author
Learning Center Mekari
  • Updated

On the Talenta Recruitment Settings menu, you will be able to set employee access rights and invite employees to use Talenta Recruitment. This feature is called Access Role. In the Access Role settings, you can adjust access to read, add, edit, share, delete, and so on.

Here are the steps:

  1. Enter Menu Settings, then select Access Role.
  2. In Access Role, select Add Role.
  3. Complete the information in the following display then click "Save" to save.4.png
    No. Fields Description
    1. Role Names Fill in the name of the user access rights.
    2. Description Fill in the explanation of user access rights (optional).
    3. Branches Select the office location to which the user has access rights.
    4. Check All Tick ​​all the powers that new users are allowed to access.
    5. Access Roles Manually define the privileges that new users are allowed to access.
    4. Then, click "Save" to save the Access Role settings.

This is a guide on how to add an Access Role to Talenta Recruitment. Furthermore, you can learn how to Invite users to Talenta Recruitment here.