How to Bulk Upload Company File

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Learning Center Mekari
  • Updated

In Talenta, you can upload various types of files at once to be shared with your employees. You can find this feature in the Company Menu.

Here are the steps:

  1. On the Company menu, click Files, then select the Company files tab.
  2. Click “Add file”.
  3. Then, you can fill in the Add file form. Here is the explanation.
No. Button/Column Name Description
1 Folder name Enter the name of the file you want to create and share with employees in this column.
2 Description Fill in a description of the file if necessary (optional).
3 Accessible on Select the date when this file will be accessible to employees.
4 Share to Select based on the employee category to which this file will be shared.
5 Organization

The following column appears to select the names of the employee categories that you have selected in the Share to column.

In this example, you select organization, then the Organization column will appear. In the following column you can select the names of the organizations.

6 Default Add to new employee Check if you want the uploaded file to be received by new employees as well. However, if you do not check it, then the new employee will not get the file. You can check Default add to new employee if in the Share to column, you select All Employees.
7 After the file is uploaded Check if you want the system to send emails and notifications once the file has finished uploading.
8 Reminder to check the newly added files Check if you want the system to send emails and notifications for employees to check newly added files.
9 Browse Click to upload a file. You can upload a maximum of 10 MB in the format as described.

Uploaded files can be downloaded by employees via their ESS account from the My Files menu.

10 Files chosen List the attachments you have selected and uploaded in this file. You can check the attachments before saving them. In addition, if there is an error in selecting an attachment, click “-” to remove it from the list of selected attachments.
  1. Click “Save” to save.
  2. Then, the created file will be saved in the Company files list. You can see the full details by clicking “View details”.
  3. Here is the View details page. On this page, you as Super Admin/Admin can manage files.
No. Button/Column Name Description
1 Three dots Click to perform certain actions on the file, such as changing the file details by clicking Edit or deleting the file and its contents by clicking Delete file.
2 Upload files Click to add an attachment to the file.
3 Actions Click to perform certain actions on the attachments within the file, such as viewing the attachment by clicking Preview, downloading the attachment by clicking Download, or deleting the attachment by clicking Delete.

That's how to do bulk file upload in Talenta. Learn how to manage files (documents) on Talenta here.