Overview Menu Home on New Talenta Recruitment

Article author
Zendesk Admin
  • Updated

Home is the first page of New Talent Recruitment. This page offers a variety of essential information that recruiters should review on a frequent basis.

You can perform the following activities via the Home menu.

  • Monitoring activity in Upcoming interviews.
  • Displays candidate recruitment progress; and
  • Showing progress in Job openings.

Berikut ini penjelasan sekilas tampilan Home:

No. Menu Description
1. Upcoming interviews You can monitor candidates' job interview schedules here.
2. Candidates overview You can monitor the progress of the candidate recruitment process in this column, starting from the number of New candidates, Unscheduled interviews, to Unresponsive offers.
3. Job openings overview You can monitor the latest Job openings starting from the number of Closing date data (the deadline for job applications to be uploaded), In draft (job application data that is still in draft and has not been uploaded), to Low performance (job applications that do not have prospective applicants).
That is an overview of the home menu in New Talent Recruitment. Furthermore, you can learn about the overview of Job listing menu here.