How to Manage Onboarding as PIC (Person in Charge) in the Message Menu

Article author
Learning Center Mekari
  • Updated

In the Talenta system, every new employee who goes through the Onboarding process has a PIC or Person In Charge. If you are assigned to be the PIC, then you can oversee the employee's onboarding process. To carry out duties as an Onboarding PIC, you can follow the following steps.

  1. Login to your Talenta account.
  2. Click the “envelope” icon at the top right of the page, then click “Inbox”.
  3. You can see the tasks that need to be done by clicking "See task".
  4. Then you will be directed to the task details page. Here, you can see a list of tasks based on 3 statuses, namely To do, In progress, and Done.

    Click the task name to open the details of that task.

This is a guide on how to manage Onboarding if you are assigned as Person In Charge.