How to Stop the Reimbursement Policy (Expired Reimbursement)

Article author
Learning Center Mekari
  • Updated

You can stop using the reimbursement policy for certain employees through the Finance menu, the Reimbursement submenu. Hence, employees can no longer use the policy.

Here are the steps:

  1. Enter Finance menu, and choose Reimbursement.
  2. Click Assign or Update.
  3. Click the “Actions” button then Set expiration.
  4. Select the reimbursement policy you want to stop in the Reimbursement name and specify the termination date in the Expiration date.
  5. Select employee names on the list left side. The selected name will be move to the right. Click “Save” if the selected employee name is correct.
  6. Make sure the employee names are correct. To delete a unit, you can click the “-” icon. Meanwhile, to delete names in bulk, you can click the checkbox on the left side of the employee name. Click “Save” to assign reimbursement to the employee based on the name listed.
  7. Then, the reimbursement assignment is saved and you are directed to the details page as follows.
  8. Click “Assign or update”.
  9. You can see the action reimbursement which is an update expiration date it is on the Transaction History tab. Click “Action” to view view details (View details) or do Edit.

This is an explanation of how to stop the reimbursement policy. You can also learn how to manage reimbursement policy settings, here.